Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jazz #2

Even if the Jazz SUCK right now, we are still fans.  Thanks to their losing streak we were able to score $5 tickets.  Although they didn't compare to our complimentary amazing seats a few months ago, the kids were still thrilled.  In fact, more thrilled. When we had lower bowl row 16 seats they wanted to sit up higher, they got their wish.  When we got there, we found our seats- at the VERY top row.  Not Steve's idea of good seats, but it was still fun.  They even gave out free Jazz beenies, pretty much paid for the 5 buck tickets right there! It made for a fun night with Kevin, McCall and Neisha!
Fan of rookie Gordon Hayward
He is a fan of anything his dad is a fan of.
Our AMAZING view
Free beenies!

1 comment:

  1. Funny story about that amazing view: When I was pregnant with Paige I was having gallbladder attacks. We went to a game, I think your family came too, we were at the very top also. Anyway I had to RUN down all those stairs, 7 month preg., because I was having an attack, so I could puck my guts out in the bathroom. I made it too!! Do you remember that?
