Thursday, February 16, 2012

Forever and ever

Saturday, February 11, Steve and I were sealed in the Oquirhh Mountain temple.  It was such an amazing day!  My whole family was able to be there with us and some of Steve's family as well.  The temple was perfect of course and was so peaceful.  Afterward, we had everyone over for lunch, thanks to my amazing mom who completely took over the meal planning and prep so I didn't have to worry about it.  The food was great (it is impossible not to be when my mom is behind the cooking), and the company made it even better.  I couldn't have asked for a better, more complete day.  I am truly the luckiest girl. Actually, luck has nothing to do with it- I am truly blessed by my Heavenly Father and thank him everyday for the life he has given me. 
I wish I didn't look like a balloon but what do you do!
The girls insisted on wearing white. So cute!

Forever family

There may not be snow but it was cold.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sleeping girl

Many of you are probably aware of the sleep challenges we have had with Elli.  Over the course of her life we have tried many things, done much research, and banged our heads helplessly against the wall.  No matter what we did nothing seemed to work.  I had given up and just let her come in and sleep on our floor as long as she didn't wake us up.  We knew it couldn't be good for her but we were out of ideas.  With the baby coming soon I obviously haven't been sleeping well either.  Steve tried to help in every way he could. One day he came home with this maternity pillow called a Snoogle. It is really big and wraps around your whole body either from the front or the back. I tried it for a few nights and it was fine but nothing special. Elli and Carter both thought it was the coolest thing.  They wanted to try sleeping with it so I let Carter one night and then Elli the next.  Well, Elli didn't wake up! 

Steve and I both woke up several times to make sure she was breathing in her bed alone.  Sure enough, she was snuggled right in the middle of that big pillow sound asleep.  I laughed and prayed my thanks immediately as I was so unbelievable grateful for just one night of hope!  We decided the next day to let her try again.  Same thing happened!  We are now down 6 nights without a little Elli in our room!  Now I am scared to get my hopes up that this is permanent, but I refuse to not be optimistic either.  Who woulda thought that the solution to my years of sleepless nights, stress and tears could be solved with a $50 pillow for a pregnant lady?!  Why didn't I think of that sooner!  I don't care the weirdness of this little miracle, and call me crazy, but I can not tell you how many prayers of thanks have been made this last 6 days.  It is truly a miracle in my eyes and couldn't be a coincidence.  I know a blessing when I see one! 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

30 weeks

I feel guilty that I haven't documented any of this pregnancy.  Despite the sickness and pain, I do enjoy being pregnant. I like being part of the miracle of bringing a new life into the world.  I love feeling my baby move, hearing his heartbeat, and planning for his arrival.  I feel so blessed to have the ability to carry a child, I know it is a great blessing and great responsibility. 

This last trimester has begun with its challenges.  My back and hips are struggling, very painful. I don't sleep well and can't ever get comfortable. It doesn't help that I am in the process of my 3 month student teaching experience in a first grade class and am gone 8.5-9 hours a day.  Even though Carter is still in Kindergarten I feel that I am constantly caring for 27 Carter's.  Love the boy and love the age, but 27 of them every day for 7.5 hours (we have extended day schools), is just a bit overwhelming when dealing with the energy level accompanied with my severe back/hip pain.  The combination leaves me pretty useless the rest of the time!  Poor Steve has had to take on quite the load at home. I can not express how thankful I am for such an amazing husband. 

Despite the overwhelming work and the pain, I am enjoying my student teaching.  My cooperating teacher is great. She is very understanding and accommodating.  I am learning a lot and the experience is priceless.  I love the school I am in and the Principal too.  Even with the frustrating moments, those kids make me laugh every day.  It is impossible not to love them, and yearn for their well being. I am thankful to have this opportunity and just hope I make it through before this little guy decides to make his grand entrance.  I should have one week to spare, but you never know!

Doctor says I am measuring just right. I have gained less weight than with my other two but I also started out bigger.  We have another ultrasound in a few weeks to check baby's kidneys again before birth but I feel a lot less worried knowing whatever it is, is fixable.   This little man is very active.  The kids and Steve all enjoy feeling him move and of course I do too!  I just hope he decides to sleep at least some normal times once he arrives.  I am excited for April, but I feel content right now knowing that he is protected and can be with me all the time.  Its amazing how the bond begins so soon between a mother and her child. I am thankful for this time!

These pictures are horrible but at least I feel that I have something to show my belly.  I had to tweak the coloring a little bit cause I look terrible. The bags under my eyes look like black eyes, I am slouching, my hair is flat and greasy, and my skin is pasty white.  There was no way to hide it all but hey, I tried!