Sunday, March 6, 2011

The birds and the bees

We should not have had to have THE talk this early.
 I thought I had a few more good years left to prepare. 
I was wrong.


  1. We had a fireside of sorts here last fall about talking to your kids about it. Though I don't look forward to the awkwardness of it with Jake or (Makenna?), I liked the therapist's notion that kids need to learn about sexuality at home first, that as parents, we should be the one's to "broadcast" it first; likening it to the newspaper that gets the story first--we tend to believe that story more because it was the first one reported. May the lines of communication forever be open with your kids. And good luck!!!

  2. Oh man! I have been wondering how soon I need to have that talk myself. Hopefully not quite yet! Good job!
