Wednesday, November 17, 2010


How can such a small thing cause so much pain and cost so much money!?  Teeth are a pain in the butt! I have been having trouble with a tooth since June and had a root canal on it.  It didn't get better and the pain spread up through my face.  Because of money we waited to get it done. I finally ended up at an oral surgeon with infection spread into my sinuses and he suggested I get it fixed asap or it could get worse, more painful and dangerous, and more pricey. So last week we got it fixed. It was about an hour and a half fix and he said it went well.  I am still struggling with feeling 100% but its good it is over with I guess.  I just hate stupid things like this that you can do nothing about! Grr...


  1. ouch! Please be careful! I am glad you got it taken care of. Hopefully you are on a super strong antibiotic too!! I see what happens when you don't in my ICU all the time. Scary things!

  2. welcome to my sucks.
