Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bed head, Bad attitude, and other random Boy stuff

Carter is in great need of a haircut but he doesn't want to cut it.  He wants to grow it out he says.  Problem is, he doesn't have the hair type to have longer hair. It is too thin and grows straight forward. Now that its hanging over his ears, I may have to come up with something creative to cure this situation.

The other day, Steve brought up the idea that it is time to start threatening/bribing/reminding kids with the 'Santa Card'.  He tried it with Carter a few minutes later and his response was, "I don't really care if I am bad cause I want coal anyways."  It wasn't even a response with attitude.  He was dead serious and then even started his Christmas list with 'coal' written at the top.  So much for that idea.  Great...

Carter got 2 behavior slips at school this week.  At least he is open about telling me.  I am having behavior problems with him at home too so I don't doubt school is no different. He is always mad, whining, yelling, crying, about something. Its hard to look at it from a teacher and parent perspective now because although I can see the problems taking place both places, I don't have a clue what to do about it.  It is making me crazy! 

I have always said that Carter has only 2 sides- angel and devil.  It still stands true.  Nothing beats his snuggles and hugs and sweet "I love you mommy", and yet, more times than not lately, its the other side that prevails, screaming, kicking, "I hate you", and threats.  I sure wish we could figure it out :(

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